Monday, January 24, 2011
Blood On The Trousersnake. 1.170m Kingfish
4th king for the 2010/2011 season for us over 0.900m
Marks turn to pop the 0.900m cherry on his Stealth 550.
1.170m yellowtail kingfish.
Caught out wide on deep trolled squid head.
Epic battle on a 550 or any paddle ski for that matter.One rod,one ski,one bling,no electronics pure ski fishing.
Mark was that excited he pissed his pants.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
09/01/11. First 90cm plus from "The Cornsake".
The Boys reckon the singlet looks gay .....even more so tucked into the wetsuit pants.....maybe they have a point???
It is a fair dinkum hoot landing a 10kg plus King at nearly 1.0m in length from a ski.There is much to consider and many obstacles to over come.They are hard enough just to find let alone entice.Once these fish get to over 90cm they are just so brutal and unforgiving. A hook up can often end in a bust off if you are not prepared.
We "Think BIG" on every outing and target these things with a massive passion that appears to give us consistent results.We do have a system and finally feel as though we have a rough idea on how these larger specimens feed and behave.
For me this fish is the pinnacle so far in my pursuit of the yellowtail kingfish.To land it on probably the most unstable purpose built fishing ski just added to the challenge and thrill.
It's all about keeping things simple and raw ...One ski,one paddle,one rod,one bait and one species.No bling, no electronics.Kayak fishing in its purest form.
Please enjoy this short clip of the fish I caught and the ski I hooked it from.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Blood On The Cornsnake. 0.990m Kingfish
3rd king for the 2010/2011 season for us over 90cm
Rigged the new ski for big fish and caught one.
Popped the cherry on the Cornsnake (Stealth 550).
0.990m yellowtail kingfish..Tried to stretch it out to 1.0m.
Caught out wide on live bait.
Monster Mesh rod/Torium 30 reel.50lb braid/80lb leader.