Monday, October 6, 2014

Raising the bar to 1.2m +!

Henry has done it again with a fourth kingfish caught over 1m.

The latest measuring 1.220m and weighing in close to 15kg. 

Down rigged live yellowtail from the side of his Stealth 495 did the damage. 

Well done mate. You hit the water with the right attitude and armed yourself with the appropriate gear to land a fish of that size. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lessons in Squid by Egi Master Mr Tokoshima (Paul)

Last few days of squid fishing have been superb on the Northern Beaches with more than 40 large squid caught in 3 sessions of fishing.

Led by the Egi Master Mr Yamashita Welsh 24 squid were caught in 1 single sessions casting around the wharf and beaches of Mackerel Beach, the Basin and Scotland Island.

Despite getting my ass kicked on Thursday losing by 4 squid 14/10 i have had a blast. Yesterday was even better when i picked up 12 with a few way over a kilo.

All caught on a range of colours and sizes. Pink seem to be the best

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Henry bangs a 1.010m BRUTE !

Finally some footage showing the effort required to land a 1.0m plus kingfish via a downrigger  from a ski. The link below shows what I regard as "Pure Kayak fishing" .....just pump and wind,angling the fish from structure! 

The month of December started a tad rough for Henry.Big seas closing out the basin sent Henry on a mission to find a "safe" entry spot back into Brownwater .....Please let me introduce the break known as "Son Of Dragon".End result.....Son Of Dragon "1"......Stealth Evolution495 "0". 

He does it again....A brute measuring  1.010m. This is the third fish for Henry over 1.0m. Downrigged yellowtail did the damage. Top effort have raised the bar for all of us!